Our Board
LifeSource is governed by a board of directors comprised of medical professionals, transplant recipients, donor family members and community representatives. In bringing these committed individuals together, we incorporate a variety of viewpoints into the decision-making process, leading to a strong, forward-looking direction.
Board of Directors
Mylynn Tufte, Chair -
Thomas Harris, Jr., Vice Chair -
David McFarland, Secretary/Treasurer -
Kim Simensen, Immediate Past Chair -
Andrew Adams, MD -
Gretchen Dahlberg -
Julie Heimbach, MD -
Alex Hill, PhD -
Jerry Lee -
Kim Malsam-Rysdon -
Monica Mayer, M.D. -
Reuben Moore -
Benjamin Sun, MD -
George Surratt -
Thomas Wyatt, MD -
Kelly White -
William Payne, MD
Clinical Policy Board
Mark Hill, MD, Chair -
Bhargav Mistry, MD, Vice Chair -
Stephanie Battell -
Donna Bishop -
Richard Daly, MD -
Smaroula Dilioglou, PhD -
Anthony Hericks, MD -
Raja Kandaswamy, MD -
Nadim Koleilat, MD -
Robroy MacIver -
Karen Rice -
Jon Snyder, PhD -
Sujit Sakpal, MD -
Alejandro Rabinstein, MD -
Thavam Thambi-Pillai, MD -
Katie Vogt, MD -
William Payne, MD