Legacy Opportunity
The Donor Family Quilt
The LifeSource Donor Family Quilt is a patchwork of memories, lovingly created by donor family members.
It is an ongoing project that will never be complete – squares will continue being added as families submit them. The Donor Family Quilt is displayed at the LifeSource donor family events.
Add your quilt square.
All donor families are invited to submit a quilt square and accompanying tribute. Please do not feel that you need to be exceptionally artistic or an experienced quilter to contribute. The detail of your memory quilt square can be as simple or complex as you’d like. What is important is the love and memories that the quilt represents.
How to create and submit a quilt square:
- Create your square using this pattern. Quilt square designs must be 7” square, the complete square should be 8” square.
- Draft your tribute of 125 words or less. This will be included with the square.
- Complete this form to submit your written tribute and contact information. Email this form to familyservices@life-source.org or mail it in with the physical quilt square.
- Mail the physical square to:
Attn: Donor Family Advocate
2225 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411