Diana Lynn Ellis

December 30, 1955 – November 6, 1998
Submitted by Mary and LaVerne Ellis, parents
Designs on the block represent some of Diana’s interests. While still in high school she worked part-time in the dietary department of the Osawatomie State Hospital and continued to work there for 10 years. Later, she was employed by the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant in Parsons, then worked as the assistant manager at Casey’s in Paola, Kansas for a few years followed by an administrative assistant position in Medicalodge in Paola. She returned to college in 1993, and completed an associates degree in mechanical and civil drafting. In 1998, the company she was working for in her hometown of Osawatomie, Kansas, closed. While interviewing for another position in Minneapolis, MN she suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage.
An animal lover, she always had pet cats. One special long-haired cat, Blackie, was her feline companion for several years.
Diana’s other interests included travel, camping, NASCAR racing, and photography.
Among the poems, essays, and sayings collected by Diana is this one which captures her special qualities.
I am special.
In all the world, there’s nobody like me.
Since the beginning of time,
There has never been another person just like me.
Nobody has my smile.
Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my hands, my voice.
I am special.
In all of time, there has been no one who laughs like me.
No one who cries like me.
What makes me laugh and cry
Will never make anyone else laugh or cry in just the same way.
I am the only one in all of God’s creation
Who is able to do
Just what I am able to do.
Through all eternity, none will ever look, talk,
Walk, thing, or do just like me.
I am so glad God made me just the way I am.
I am special.