Lance Michael Smith

August 7, 1985 – April 5, 2000
Submitted by Eileen and Kelly Smith, parents
Lance was only 14-years old when he died but throughout his young age he knew the importance of being kind to both the young and the old. For his actions he was admired by many of the older people.
Lane was the middle brother of three boys. His brother’s names are Troy and Trent. They were all very close friends and they miss him so much.
Lance loved all sports and was a top player at all of them, but his favorite one was basketball. Although he was only 14, he already played on the Varsity team and was to receive his letter and gold basketball pin. We were awarded them in May at the awards banquet by his best friend, Craig.
Lance was also a brilliant student since the year of Kindergarten. His teacher surprised me at Christmas and had him read a book to me. She knew he was ready although she wasn’t teaching the class to read. Throughout the years of school, each of his teachers would say he was such a delight to have in class and he always wanted to learn and know more. His 6th grade teacher wrote him a letter after she moved and said she wouldn’t be surprised one day if he were President.
In all that Lance ever tried, there wasn’t anything he couldn’t conquer. He loved any challenge.
Lance was a leader, had a lot of friends and was known to always watch out for the younger kids who were treated badly and befriended them.
We miss Lance so much and always wonder what he may have accomplished had he lived. There is some comfort knowing that even after his death he still was giving.