Michael James Granger

January 20, 1976 – August 15, 1992
Submitted by James and Sally Granger, parents
I picked red and black flannel because red and black were his favorite colors. He wore flannel shirts when relaxed and especially at the lake. His name on the quilt is flannel letters that he cut and made for a banner made in church classes. The paint palette represents his artistic talents, drum and majorette represents his marching in the school band and playing drums, percussion throughout his school days. He was an avid snow skier, an excellent student (the notebook). The grey cat represents his favorite cat, “Smudge”. He was a school patrol and the cocoa represents the drink parents prepared for the school patrol on the cold, wintry, Minnesota days. The dog represents his love for all animals, but especially “Smokie” the German shepherd. The tree represents his love for nature and the outdoors. The brown cabin represents his favorite place to go, the lake and cabin. The fish represents his love for fishing. The canoe stands for swimming and canoeing. The bonfire stands for when he was a boy scout earning badges. His mother thought God gave her an angel when he was born 1-20-76 and she thought he got his angel wings when he died 8-15-92.