Thomas Smith

September 21, 1953 – December 31, 2005
Submitted by Thomas’ family.
Losing a loved one is never easy no matter what the circumstances may be. Losing a loved one to suicide has a different set of emotions. No one can tell you how to feel about losing anyone. LifeSource MN has helped my family go through the emotions significantly easier. Knowing that although my dad made the decision to no longer be with us, he helped other families. Big and small. That makes for one proud daughter when others may think there should be shame. This is the last family Christmas picture we had together and seemed most fitting to have his patch on one of his favorite flannel jackets. It may have taken me 15 years to share this but I am thankful for a community that allows donor and recipient families to share. Thank you LifeSource Family. Cheers to Tom Smith. Love, Scooter