Apr 26
Donation Advocacy Awards Brunch
Please join LifeSource for our annual Donation Advocacy Awards Brunch as we recognize and honor ambassadors, partners and community members who have helped further our life-saving mission.
Join us at one of our next upcoming events!
Apr 26
Please join LifeSource for our annual Donation Advocacy Awards Brunch as we recognize and honor ambassadors, partners and community members who have helped further our life-saving mission.
Apr 1-30
A National Event for Everyone
National Donate Life Month is a time set aside to honor the generous gifts of organ, eye and tissue donation. It’s also the perfect time to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
May 17
A Midwest Event for Everyone
A walk to honor organ donors and celebrate the gift of life.
Aug 1-31
A National Event for Everyone
August is National Multiethnic Donor Awareness Month! All month long, we will virtually spotlight this initiative with the goal: to save and improve the quality of life of diverse communities by creating a positive culture for organ, eye and tissue donation.
Sep 15
A Midwest Event for Everyone
The LifeSource Golf Classic is our annual fundraising event held each September, started in honor of a young woman named Terri Opp who died while waiting for a heart transplant.
Sep 1-30
A National Event for Everyone
National DMV Appreciation Month is a time to recognize and thank Motor Vehicle Department (DMV) and Driver License Partners for their support and commitment to asking the donation question to their customers every day.
Nov 1-30
A National Event for Everyone
Eye donation month is an opportunity to honor and celebrate the gifts of sight so generously given and received. It’s a time to raise eye donation awareness, honor donors and their families and celebrate cornea recipients.
Feb 14
A National Event for Everyone
National Donor Day is a time to promote all types of donation – organ, eye, tissue, blood, platelets and marrow – by participating in blood/marrow drives or donor registration events.