Annual Tee Time Becomes Tribute at the LifeSource Golf Classic
The LifeSource Annual Golf Classic is one way for the Jolly family to celebrate the lives of two people connected to donation.

When Nick passed, Kathy’s brother Steve wanted to honor Nick and his donor, Brian. So, he called LifeSource and asked, “What can we do to honor Nick at the visitation, and how can people make donations?” LifeSource provided the family with a basket of pens, pins, and green bracelets to share; and many people made memorial gifts. When Steve brought the memorial gifts to the LifeSource office, he learned about the Golf Classic, and their family has been involved with the annual tournament ever since.
Kathy self-proclaimed that she and her sister are not golfers – but, they have a great time. Kathy shared, “My sister, dad, brother and I would make up one of the foursomes. We were so bad! We always got the prize for the worst team, and my brother would just cringe. Now, we are involved as volunteers instead.”
Over the years, they’ve met wonderful people dedicated to the cause – on the volunteer planning committee, people who worked out on the course and their fellow golfers at each hole. Following their golfing day, their larger family would join the evening picnic festivities. It is always a great day to get together and celebrate Brian and Nick.
“If it weren’t for Brian wanting to be a donor and his family honoring his wishes, I truly don’t think my husband, Nick, would have survived that year 1996. I truly believe that. We recently figured out that my kids had 8 more years – 3,000 some more days with their dad. We wouldn’t have had that. How can you not honor what Brian’s gift of life meant for our family?”
Kathy Jolly
When LifeSource expanded services in 2008 to include an in-house donor services coordination center, Kathy applied and was one of the first employees hired to work in the Donation Service Center. She continues to bring her compassion and experience as a recipient family member to her role in working with families in their moment of tragedy and sorrow. And she honors Nick’s donor, Brian, every opportunity that she gets.
We all have a reason to be involved in this cause: as waiting transplant candidates, transplant recipients, families of donors, partners involved in the process – just believing in the mission saves and honors lives.
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