How To Become an Eye, Tissue and Organ Donor
There’s only one step you need to take. Register.

There are a few ways to become a donor, but only one is required to become a registered donor. The first way is to register through your local Minnesota DMV. The second, is to sign up using the Donor Registry Site.
Register Through the DMV
- Visit your local Minnesota DMV
- Speak to the front desk and communicate that you are there to register to become a donor
- You will then be handed a document to complete, in this document one of the questions listed will state if you would like to become a donor. If you wish to be donor, you will check yes.
- After you check yes and your documents are processed by the DMV, a record of your decision to become a donor will be sent to the Department of Public Safety and Shared with the LifeSource IT team and shared nowhere else.
Registering at the DMV is usually best if you have an upcoming DMV appointment. If you do not the second option is quick, easy and can be done from home.
Register Online
- First, click this link Minnesota Organ and Tissue Donor Registration ( and it will redirect you to the donate life site.
- If you wish to be a donor, fill out the information requested on the right-hand side of the screen.
- You will then select “Submit” to consent to become a registered donor
- Record of your registration is then sent to LifeSource
Supporting Donation
If you are unable to register to become a donor you are always welcome to help out in other ways pertaining to organ donation such as contributing to the You and $2 Program.
Learn More
Am I Healthy Enough to Be a Donor?
What’s the Difference Between Registering as a Donor and “Checking the Box”?