Ways to Get Involved
Contribute in-kind items for the tournament.
Support the event through financial contributions (in any amount) or in-kind gifts to be used as contest prizes and awards during the event. All contributors will be recognized publicly at the event. All contributed items should be received no later than August 2025.
Questions? Please contact Celeste Hanson.
Honor the gift of life.
Donor and transplant recipient tribute signs will be displayed at community events to inspire others to support organ, eye and tissue donation. For a suggested contribution of $35, your tribute sign will include a name, photograph and your personalized tribute message (limited to 50 characters with spaces). You will receive a digital file of your final designed sign through the email address you provide.
You can submit your tribute at any time. The signs will be on display at our 30th Annual Golf Classic on Monday, September 15, 2025. Deadline to submit a dedication for this year is July 31, 2025.
Tributes received after this date will be included in our 2026 LifeSource Golf Classic. Please know that even if you’re unable to attend the LifeSource Golf Classic, you’re still welcome to include a tribute.
Please contact Laura Kelly Lovdahl at lkellylovdahl@life-source.org with any questions you may have about the memorial signs.