Melissa Sue Scheirer

July 21, 1980 – April 23, 1994
Submitted by Tom Scheirer, Sr., father and Karry Scheirer, mother
I used to always say to Melissa, “Hey guess what?” She’d say, “what?” I’d say, “I love you” (Big Smiles ) Very simple, but it meant the world to the two of us.
Love Forever
She is all the things that put a smile on my face.
First of all we want to say that the entire family was involved in making this quilt square in one way or another.
The picture of Melissa and her brother Tommy is just a tine example of the many, many times they were introduced to “Mother Nature”.
The purple flower represents July’s flower – the larkspur – and of course her favorite color.
The forget-me-nots represent a very special story her papa Scheirer shared with her years ago and plants them for her every year.
The sunflower represents the perfume she wore. Did she ever smell nice!
And of course the angels represent what she was on earth, as she is now in heaven.
It was such an honor that the kids trusted me to do this very special thing in memory of her. She was right there with me with every stitch I made.
There are not enough words in this big world to express the goodness in this little girl. Can’t wait to be with you again honey, OO & XX Gram and Grampa Scheirer
She’s my “purple dragon fly.” Auntie Janet
“We never climbed that apple tree again.” Cousins & best friends, Lauren and Carly
What stands out foremost in our minds is how very unselfish Melissa was always giving her brother and cousins first choice in anything that came up; and how they all looked up to her. We miss you so much honey. Auntie Kory and Uncle Geno
Her loving memory still lives on through LifeSource. Uncle Paul and Auntie Lisa