Michael Webb

November 23, 1967 – November 6, 2010
Quilt square designed by Barb Webb (Mike’s Aunt)
Submitted by Jim and Sandy Webb (Mike’s Parents)
We chose this picture of Mike because of his love for the outdoors. Mike’s “heaven” was his cabin as he loved the solitude and beauty of the northwoods. God chose to end Mike’s life in these woods. He died peacefully from a brain aneurysm.
Mike adored and worshipped his children. At a very young age he mentored and coached them in golf. Throughout the golf season you could always find the “foursome” out early or late on a local golf course. He had an indescribable bond with them that will give them strength to keep living the life Mike paved for them.
Mike, we love you so much and miss you beyond what words can express.