Tony (Anthony) Hernandez

September 28, 1953 – February 15, 2008
Submitted by Mary Hernandez, spouse
This quilt square is dedicated to Tony (Anthony) Hernandez. Tony was a loving husband, who dedicated his life to his family. He was a father in every sense of the word to our three children. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for them. He thought he was on top of his world when he met me, and then came our children Angelina, Anthony Jr. and Jennifer and they took him out of his world and literally into theirs.
But when our grandkids came one by one they pierced his heart and he thought he was in heaven then. He was so very proud of each and every one so much so that he would not or could not see anyone taking care of them but him.
As our children were growing he felt a need to be home with them so he worked evenings and said as soon as Jennifer is done with school he would get a day job. Well then Nathan our first grandson was born and he said as soon as Nathan starts school he would get a day job. Well then Lupe was born, our first granddaughter, and he said as soon as Lupe starts school he would get a day job. Well then Lia was born our second granddaughter and he said as soon as Lia starts school he would get a day job. Well then Estraya was born, our third granddaughter, and he said as soon as Estraya starts school he would get a day job.
So you can see that he made himself available for snow days, bad days, no school days, and sick days. He always said after we had gone to the doctor and were diagnosed with what he had already diagnosed us to have, “you can pay me now.”
There was never a time in any of our lives that he wasn’t there for us. He loved his family dearly and he enjoyed every minute with them. He would talk to his mother, brothers and sisters for hours and would be there for them when they needed him.
The eagle represents the free spirit that he was. He never judged anyone or passed judgment on anyone. His vision of life was like the eyes of an eagle so much so that he told all of us always that he wanted to be a donor because when the time comes in our life that we don’t need our body anymore there is no reason not to give it to someone who needs it to live their lives.
He said he had no regrets and has lived a wonderful life.
He has been and will always be loved and held deeply in our hearts.
Mary, Angelina, Matt, Anthony Jr., Rosita, Jennifer, Martin, Nathan, Lupe, Lia, Estraya