A Critical Step Forward: Together, We Change.
Our thoughts, prayers and support continue to be with the Floyd family and friends, to our community and all who are suffering. Yesterday’s verdict was a critical first step.

The murder of George Floyd and the events leading up the conviction of Derek Chauvin have been a painful example of the racial and systemic inequities that exist in every corner of society.
The verdict was a step toward accountability, but it’s only the beginning. Now, we must focus on healing and address the underlying causes of racial inequalities, including the existing health disparities.
Together, we can… Heal.
Regardless of the verdict, people may be experiencing different feelings in response. We have been monitoring this closely, and it has brought up feelings of insecurity, anxiety, pain and compassion. Many have held their breaths over the last year and especially in the last few weeks of this historic trial. Unfortunately, many continue to hold their breath each time they step out the door.
All of us at LifeSource share the value of saving lives and bring passion and compassion to this work. Right now, more than ever, we need to live these values with each other as our community faces a time of incredible difficulty.
Please consider taking a moment to extend some care and compassion to:
- George Floyd’s family and the North Minneapolis community, who are suffering from the loss of life that remains despite the trial’s end;
- The good, decent members of emergency services, National Guard and law enforcement communities who are in a very challenging and difficult position;
- The members of our community who feel afraid and treated unfairly;
- Someone who is struggling with the stress and pain of this situation, or someone whom you disagree with.
Most important, YOU deserve space and support to honor whatever you may be feeling or experiencing.
Together, we can… Raise our voice.
We seek a world of equality and human decency. We value and respect life and believe that all life is a gift. Each and every life matters.
We are committed to work towards meaningful change through support and advocacy for communities of color. We are focused on addressing healthcare disparities and partnering with BIPOC communities to achieve equity in donation and transplantation.
Today, we reaffirm our commitment to our organization and our community. We will continue to actively listen and collaborate. We will elevate our efforts to partner with community organizations and to ensure information about donation is available to all. Our intention is to both give and receive the gift that can only be given through partnership, respect and cooperation.
Now, take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Together, let’s get to work.