Donor Sabbath: An Interfaith Initiative
National Donor Sabbath, observed annually in November, is a time when faith leaders from various religious backgrounds come together to educate the public about the critical need for life-saving organ and tissue donations given to others through transplantation.

All major religions in the United States support the organ donation and consider it a generous act of caring.
Every year, organ, eye and tissue donations provide hope, healing and life to tens of thousands of people suffering from disease, injury and trauma. Over 100,000 men, women and children are on the national organ transplant wait list, and over 2,100 in Minnesota alone, yet only 50% of people are registered donors. This means the simple of act of saying “yes” and registering to help others through donation after death is a selfless act of compassion and generosity.
An Act of Charity
The donation of organs at the end of life offers the gifts of health and life to those who are most vulnerable and who are at times without hope. It is one of the many acts of charity an individual can make to foster a culture that values love for our neighbor in our world.
Eric Fought currently serves as a Donation Liaison with LifeSource, supporting families of organ donors through the donation process and educating and supporting hospital care teams. Eric shares about his experiences working with families and hospitals through the transplant process and how his faith plays a role in advocating for organ donation:
“The work I am able to do at LifeSource is deeply rooted in my faith and my lifelong response to God’s call to service and ministry. Organ donation is a selfless gift given in a spirit of solidarity, care and concern for the most vulnerable among us, and generously promotes life. I’m able to walk with families on the worst days of their lives and ensure that their loved one is treated with dignity, cared for in the same ways I would want my family members to be cared for. It is truly a sacred vocation.”
It takes all of us working together to help promote the lifesaving gift of organ donation to heal and save many more lives.
Learn more about organ donation and what you can do as a faith community this November and beyond:
- Download resources to share with your faith community: If you would like to request printed resources to share with your place of worship, please contact Hillary Tyler
- Request a LifeSource Ambassador speak to your faith community:
- Contact Hillary Tyler
- Share a story of donation or transplantation from your faith community:
- Contact Sarah Sonn
- Register to be an organ donor and invite others to do the same!
- Check out these Donor FAQs and dispel donation myths
- Stay connected!
- Read powerful stories about organ donation
- Stay connected through our monthly newsletter
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