How Do I Donate My Body to Science After Death?
While LifeSource does not coordinate whole body donation – donation exclusively for research and education purposes – we are often asked about it. Here is some information for those interested in whole body donation.

What is Donating Your Body to Science?
Donating your body to science, also known as whole body donation, is an anatomical donation after death that does not involve transplant but is needed for advancement in research and education. To participate in a whole body donation program, also known as an Anatomy Bequest Program, the individual will have had to complete a registration or authorization form (separate from organ donor registration) prior to death with the program of their choosing.
Can I be Both an Organ Donor and a Whole Body Donor?
It varies depending on the Anatomy Bequest Program that you choose. Some programs require that the deceased donor is unaltered after death to be accepted into the program. Other programs will work with donor organizations to facilitate any opportunity for transplantable donation as well as accepting the whole body donation.
I am Interested in Signing Up. Now What?
Whether you register to be an organ, eye and tissue donor, sign up for whole body donation, or both, the most important first step is tell your family about your decision. Before registering for whole body donation, it is important that you research the criteria for acceptance, if they allow you to donate for transplant (if that is your intention) and to find out which organization is the best fit for you.
Whole Body Donation Programs in Our Service Area
University of Minnesota Anatomy Bequest Program (612) 625-1111
Mayo Clinic Anatomy Department Program (507) 284-2693
North Dakota
University of North Dakota School of Medicine Deeded Body Program (701) 777-2101
South Dakota
University of South Dakota Body Bequest Program (605) 677-5254
University of Wisconsin Madison (608) 262-2888
Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee (414) 456-8261