About DMV Materials
According to the Minnesota State Statute, customers who say “no,” to donation must be given information on the subject “(e) If the applicant does not indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift when the application is made, the applicant must be offered a donor document in accordance with section 171.07, subdivision 5.”
Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) offices are a vital part of saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. Over 90% of people register at the DMV and that means bringing hope and healing to donor families and the recipients whose lives will be saved.
Although most Minnesotans support donation, only 56% of the customers who renew their license or ID card each month check the “donor” box. That means 44% do not. We need to do more. Right now, around 3,000 Minnesotans are waiting for a life-saving transplant. More registered donors mean more of those lives are saved.
In summer 2021, LifeSource, American Donor Services and Lions Eye Bank identified opportunities to increase registration rates. Through site visits and conversations with DMV staff and leaders, two new required materials were implemented.
Required Minnesota DMV Materials
When a customer “checks the box” as a registered donor, provide the sticker below:
If a customer does not “check the box,” provide a donation card with additional information:
Required materials (stickers and cards) will be shipped to your office directly each year. If you run out of materials prior to receiving your new shipment, please contact Jessie Fiene.
Optional Marketing Materials for DMVs
Order posters, pens and window decals for your office, or download graphics and videos for television screens.
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