Alicia Nolan

January 16, 1988 – October 8, 2011
Submitted by Pat and Angie Nolan, parents
Beautiful Girl
Beautiful girl, Alicia
Why did you have to leave?
You couldn’t see the love
Of all who are left behind to grieve
Beautiful girl, there’s a river of tears
Loved ones have wept in pain
Our hearts’ are sadly broken
Our lives will never be the same
And one can’t understand the darkness
That creeps into a troubled mind
Or the demons that torment you
Into leaving this world behind
If good can come from tragedy
As a troubled soul leaves this world
Will the boy who can see, know that
His eyes once belonged to a beautiful girl?
The soft spoken gentle one
With a smile to melt your heart
Carefree on the streets of Heaven
Driving a stick-shift car
So, too soon you’ve taken angels wings
And left this earthly world
But may your flower, Azalea always know
Her mother was a beautiful girl.