Cheri Lynn Brill Dunning

June 21, 1947 – August 12, 2000
Submitted by Adene Wuertley, sister
This quilt square is dedicated to my beautiful sister, Cheri. Cheri’s death was very sudden and it has taken all of us a long time to come to grips with the loss of someone so important in our lives. We all miss her terribly and there will always be a void where she once was, but it helps knowing that because of her death someone else was given another chance at life. We miss you, Cheri.
Love, Adene & husband Bob and boys, Jay & Adam, daughter Diahn Martins & husband Marco & kids, Katie and Daniel, Erin Rossman, son & wife Michelle & kids, Maggie & Grant, Isaiah Hensen, son & friend, Kathy Wagner, and husband, Rob Dunning.